Learn to Code Faster

Do you spend 40 hours a week typing code? Do you want to improve your typing speed?

Try out this code sample, see how fast you can type it.

How will we help you get faster?

We have a selection of feature to allow you to practice, and improve your typing speed.

Track your progress

We track your progress and display the results so you can easily see the improvements you are making.

Track your progress

Detailed statistics

Is your right hand more accurate than your left? What characters do you type wrong the most? These are questions we can answers. When you know where your weakness are you then know where to improve.

>Detailed statistics

Add your own code examples

If you have specific frameworks, or languages you what to practice. You can create your own code examples, and then practice using them.

Add your own code examples

10 Languages

We have a library of examples spanning 10 different languages. Java, .NET, Python, or JavaSript we got you covered.

1300 Code examples

You can practice with our library of code samples. Each sample is a functional piece of code. We are constanly adding in new code examples.

10 Languages

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